Our Support Rates

The majority of participants in Fighting Chance’s programs (including Avenue and Jigsaw) are funded via the NDIS.

In line with the rules in the NDIS price guide, the rates Fighting Chance charges for supports depends on the nature of the support, where the support is delivered (i.e. in our work hubs or in the community), the time of day that the support is delivered, how complex the participant’s needs are, and the ratio of supports delivered (i.e. if the participant is supported one-to-one by a support worker, or in a group with two, three, four or five participants supported by the same worker).

Fighting Chance charges participants at the TTP rates under the 2022 NDIS price guide.

TTP rates include a 6% loading to enable providers to transition to the NDIS, and we harness this extra funding to increase the quality of the services we provide.

A full list of the Fighting Chance support rates, based on the rates in the NDIS price guide, can be found in the link below.

If you have questions or queries about Fighting Chance’s rates, please email hello@fightingchance.org.au.

Click here to download the current Fighting Chance Support Rates guide.